Welcome and thank you for your interest in our internship program!

We have a number of passionate and talented students studying the fields of Management, who are looking for additional hands-on experiences and the opportunity to grow with a company.

The information below will provide you with some of the basic information about our internship program. Our internship course is one of the last classes scheduled prior to graduation. Students are expected to obtain a position that will utilize the knowledge and skills that they have obtained during their time at Austin Community College in conjunction with any industry work experience they may have.

Benefits to the Employer:
An internship is a pre-professional work experience that provides students the opportunity to gain experience in the management field; while also allowing the company to participate in the educational process for the students. Further, an internship program is a year-round recruiting tool, allowing employers to benefit from added manpower, while more accurately assessing potential candidates at an affordable cost.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop and apply knowledge gained throughout academic studies to a position with managerial responsibilities
  • Demonstrate the ability to review and discuss the various methods of reporting required within the business management specialization
  • Compare and contrast industry working environments to develop engagement strategies within an ever increasing diverse workforce
  • Conduct a self-evaluation of personal learning and practicum experience and develop and individual learning plan
  • Critically analyze the roles and responsibilities of all personal within the work based learning environment
  • Engage in discussions to develop and share understanding of management and leadership strategies

Employer Obligations:

  • Provide a meaningful and professional experience
  • Provide student with 100-160 hours of work – Provide student with opportunities to shadow and/or complete opening and closing management procedures, budgeting, management meetings, scheduling of employees, or any other management activities or projects that the location deems as valuable experience.
  • Meet weekly with the intern and sign off on the student’s weekly logs.
  • Place the student in an appropriate employment situation which provides an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills acquired during collegiate training
  • The employment arrangement should be mutually beneficial to both parties. It is expected that the intern will receive sufficient training to be productive.
  • Provide student with mentoring with members of management within the location
  • Assist student with self-development and goals sheet with the intern.
  • Complete site visit with the internship coordinator
  • Complete final evaluation
  • Complete satisfaction survey that is provided by ACC

Student Requirements:
To satisfy the degree requirements, each student in the internship program must secure employment from a company which has been approved by the internship coordinator:

Mrs. Joy Nicholas/Mary Rincon

Phone: 512-766-4121
Email: [email protected]
Postal mail: 1218 West Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701

  • Complete 100-160 hours during the 12-14 week internship period
  • Complete Internship Agreement Form
  • Maintain all paperwork and meet all deadlines (X)
  • Email Weekly Contact Updates
  • Final Report
  • Employer Evaluations

Contact Us:
Please contact us with any further questions that you may have in regards to our internship program.

[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]

