SCANS Competencies for Acct 2301
SCANS is the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. Please go to for complete definitions and explanation of SCANS. This list summarizes the SCANS competencies addressed in this particular course.
- Student exhibits responsibility: Exerts a high level of effort and perseverance toward goal attainment, works hard to become excellent at doing tasks by setting high standards, paying attention to details, working well and displaying a high level of concentration even when assigned an unpleasant task; and displays high standards of attendance, punctuality, enthusiasm, vitality and optimism in approaching and completing tasks.
- Student acquires information: Identifies need for data, obtains them from existing sources or creates them, and evaluates their relevance and accuracy. Competently performing the tasks for acquiring data and evaluating information includes posing analytical questions to determine specific information needs, selecting possible information and evaluating its appropriateness, and determining when new information must be created.
- Student communicates information: Selects and analyzes information and communicates the result to others using oral, written, graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods. Competently performing the tasks of communicating and interpreting information to others includes determining information to be communicated, identifying the best methods to present information (i.e. overheads, handouts, etc.), and if necessary, converting to desired format and conveying information to others through a variety of means including oral presentation and written communication.